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Everything tagged #covid

Being a designer in a post-COVID world

Once this COVID pandemic is over, design will drive business transformation, and I really urge designers to take the drivers seat for this

blog • Posted on June 3, 2020

Do you feel the burn? 🔥

A designer’s guide to coping with work-related burnout and remidal measure to boost your productivity during the time of coronavirus

blog • Posted on August 10, 2020

Please take care and stay safe 😷

This is not really a blog post. It’s basically a jot down of things going around in my life and around me.

blog • Posted on May 15, 2021

Home is where the work is

Work from home in 2020 suddenly became a necessity. Read on how my part expercience from my past freelancing experience helped me prepare for the pandemic

blog • Posted on March 28, 2020