Everything tagged #opinion

The AI✨ Dilemma: Value vs. Gimmick in User Experience Design
As designers, we must ask ourselves: do users truly care if a product is labeled “made better with AI✨”? More importantly, what does “better” mean to them?

How to Design User Experiences without Interfaces
Invisible UX is a design approach where user interactions occur seamlessly in the background, minimizing friction and cognitive load. It creates intuitive, efficient experiences by automating tasks without visible interfaces.

Staying relevant in times of change
I was suddenly irrelevant. My skills were no longer useful. This really scared me. I really did not see a way I could get back doing what I once did so well.

Things we can learn from an Apple Keynote Event
Apple Event Team, take a bow. You guys are just incredible — even the last three “virtual” events have been nothing but amazing!

That thing about doing a design favor to your friend
There is a word in Nepali, “Fokat”. I am particularly intrigued by this word — and how deeply it’s rooted in our culture. How easily we gather guts to ask somebody for a favor.

Home is where the work is
Work from home in 2020 suddenly became a necessity. Read on how my part expercience from my past freelancing experience helped me prepare for the pandemic